中青缘即将重磅推出美国音乐剧the lion king狮子王
Date Time:2012-9-12

The lion king


音乐剧《狮子王》(The Lion King)由迪士尼公司于19971113日推出,共获6项托尼奖8戏剧艺术奖6外围剧评人奖最佳音乐剧奖在内的戏剧联盟奖年度晚报权威奖、两项奥利弗戏剧奖戏剧世界奖阿斯塔蒂杰出编舞奖、两项戏剧协会奖、还有1998格莱美最佳音乐剧专辑奖。它是迪士尼戏剧品牌中经典与时尚的最佳诠释作品,也是中国迄今为止引进的制作最新的音乐剧作品。



而剧中的经典唱段《He Lives In You》更是展现出了草原的无限生机,成为了经典

Company Philosophy Honor Team
Established in 2008 through mergence, Zhong Qing Yuan Culture Investment Co., Ltd. (ZQY) is a national enterprise approved by Ministry of Culture, and a standing member of China Performance Association. Co-operating with the China Juvenile Audiovisual Publishing House under the Central Committee of China Youth League in 2012, ZQY set up an audiovisual centre and an activity centre
Company Philosophy Honor Team
   Aiming at culture industry, ZQY invests and manages the following businesses: culture industry parks, theatres, hotels, films and TV plays, international events, and enterprises founding for youths. ZQY combines together professional teams, standard procedures and brands effects to serve its clients. With good relationship with government departments and knowing well the regulations and laws concerning culture, ZQY is able to make reasonable and safe plan for investment. ZQY, after mergence, has made a brand new strategy for market and got rich resources from government departments
Company Philosophy Honor Team
Company Philosophy Honor Team
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